Monday, March 2, 2015

Man Crush Monday

MCM or Man Crush Monday is everything I stand for. I don't want to be boastful, but having creepy crushes are kind of my thing. I think I even blogged about this in 2013, before MCM was even a thing on hip. (here!)

Let's talk about this majestic man bun my baby brother is rockin' in this ^^picture. ^^ I'm pretty on the fence with the whole trend. On one hand I'm like " are just so edgy and you probably like to travel and eat thin-crusted pizza.. I can deal." And then on the other hand I'm thinking " BOI. YOU BE STEALING MY THUNDER. THE BUN ON TOP OF THE HEAD IS MY THING."


Stop me! I already titled this post Man Crush Monday, not Alex's Thoughts On Man Buns. Let's get off this detour and back to the point. 

The crux of the matter is that I am constantly falling in love with the most random people in existence. It's actually quite concerning. I can have a different crush for each class of the day. Crushes on people I see at the bike racks. On boys who stop at the same stop light as me... The list goes on and on. 

Actually. Let's put some examples of extremely strange crushes I have. And you will see that this is why I am still so desperately single. 
  • The Anatomy TA with red hair who is nice and doesn't make me feel dumb. 
  • The red head in high school whose house I would run by and always tie my shoe right next to his mailbox. 
  • Okay, let's get real. ALL RED HEADS. 
  • A highliner who was more than 10 years my senior and probably looked at me like he looks at hyperactive squirrels at the park, mildly entertaining but not something you want to keep.  (Hi Ryan! Marry me please!) 
  • That kid who was really good at mountain biking. His class got out the same time as mine did and he would always walk past my bike rack. So I did what any level-headed adult would do. And this makes me blush...I would linger. For a while. Taking my time getting the lock off, adjusting my helmet, rummaging in my backpacking, texting.... all so I could see him as he walked by and say hi. It wasn't too surprising when he stopped walking that way after a while.... *sigh* 
  • The now-pro skier who took me to one of those trampoline places.... ah. It was doomed from the beginning. I hate those things. I always get the foam dust in my eyes and I can't do flips and I'm afraid I'll suffocate in the foam pit. But that didn't stop me from loving him for years...Rephrasing that. I still love him. Dang trampoline place ruined everything.
  • My best friend's stepbrother in high school (Hi Christopher!). I started listening to country music so I could sing along with him when he would give me rides home. "Oh! You like this song too?!? Let's date!" Nothing came of it besides an awkward Prom date and a never-ending love for country music that lives on. 
  • Every LAX bro in existence. I literally hate these people and their coolness and flat brimmed hats and weird haircuts. And why do all your girlfriends have stick legs and fake eyelashes and super straight hair that always looks good in a beanie? Seriously. It's like I loath them and their culture so much and yet, I want to date all of them. Is that weird? It's weird. Moving on...
  • Not moving on. I am in love with the LAX bro in my anatomy class. I love/hate his arrogant face and how he never uses the aisle but steps over the chairs.... Today it seemed that he almost paused at the door so we went out at the same time. And then we walked side by side to the same building. All without speaking a word to each other. *breathless* 
  • Everyone that is good at skiing. 
  • The Asian Australian from this post. I forced my room mate to set us up and then I realized accents aren't everything? We had nothing in common? meh. 
  • The hipster in my Human Development class who I swear WINKED AT ME the first day of class. Or he has an eye twitch... it's really all debatable. 
  • Most men I see in the library...until I see their girlfriend come in and start making out with them. 
My goodness. That was longwinded. But oh my friends, it is just the tip of the iceberg. I think we can all sum this up by saying I have problems and am doomed to love from a distance. In the creepiest way possible, of course.

Happy Man Crush Monday. And let's discuss man buns sometime? 

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