Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Oh Sister Sister (Not The TV Show)

DISCLAIMER. Reading about someone's sisters is like taking a bath in corn chips. (corny, if you didn't get the poorly crafted joke.) You have been duly warned.

Sisters. You start out life taking those pictures on the coach where you're accidentally strangling the smaller one and end comparing varicose veins while eating banana jello in mu mu's. It's the kind of relationship involving slamming toes in the door jam and stealing brushes and fighting over who gets to wear the legwarmers on 80's day... It's a lot of selfie-taking, double chin making, Panda Express eating with all the food guilt that follows. Having sisters means you always have someone who truly sees how ugly your personality can get and can tell you to "shut up and eat something because you're hangry."

Sisters are everything that is kind and fun and slightly aggravating. But mostly the fun and kind part. So this is all just me trying to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSICA AND SHANNON.

Everywhere I turn to in Provo reminds me of you. I miss you when I pass that sketchy part of South Provo where you used to live, I miss you at family dinners, I miss you when I see it's sunny and all I want to do is bike to the lake with you.... I miss you when a cute boy says hi to me and I just want to analyze it all with you and Wise Wise Dan... I long for your company when I longboard and ski pow pow and mountain bike and go to lunch. I miss you in every moment and I want you to know that I think you are the most beautiful pregnant creature in the world and that I just can't wait for this semester to end so I can see you and talk to you for hours and make fun of the fact that you always seem to have a bun in the oven these days. And thank you for saving me spiritually by giving freely of your love and being so Christ-like that I couldn't help but change. I love you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Sister Sister. You're my dearest friend and I love you. We have so many moments together that define who I am. We've gone through a lot. Moments that were painful beyond words, but those moments sewed our two hearts together in an unspeakable bond. You will forever be my lets-go-watch-a-chick-flick friend, my up-for-anything adventure buddy and basically the hot version of the Ostler Clan. Your voice is as beautiful as your soul and I am so grateful that you don't eat sugar anymore because it means more for me, I love you to Argentina and back a million times three. No words can describe how proud I am to know that you are spreading the Gospel to the people who need your beautiful light. BESOS POR SIEMPRE. Happy Birthday!

Now go and hug your sister and don't start watching the Sister Sister show again because it was kind of lame....

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