My kinfolk came to Utah this week and I was in paradise. I lurve my family so much and I lurve attention-hogging even more so it was a fantastic time for me. It was an extreme fun-frenzy of skiing, eating, and adventuring and now that they have deserted me I am left with a soft belly and a smidgen of homesickness. (When I say "smidgen" I mean that I sobbed when I said bye to my mother. Pretty sure I have separation anxiety at 19 years of age. In my Psychology class we would classify that as "abnormal".)
So to battle the post-staycation blues I have posted my favorite moments captured on film (fancy way of saying pictures). I know you probably won't enjoy it as much as I do...but you probably don't reread these posts when you're bored like I do, so get over it.
When all your siblings look cool and you realize you have had a gaper gap all day. |
Sunny days at Snowbird. And I wasn't that loner eating her lunch on the lift! |
My dream come true: Everyone is paying attention to me and they seem amused. |
Lunching. |
When the forks look like mustaches and you make everyone take a picture because it is that noteworthy. |
Showing my skillz off to my parents, who ooh and ahh like they're supposed to. |
Seriously, why don't all gas stations have dino's like this one?!? |
Lately I have realized that one of my greatest goals in life is to have this boy acknowledge that I am hilarious and the coolest kitty around. It has not come to fruition yet. But I will not give up hope. |
We went caving at what I like to call "The Mountain's Butthole" because it smelled foul. My hypothesis is that hundreds of generations of humans and animals have used that cave as a place to relieve themselves. I also got stuck and it was a huge ordeal that resulted in hyperventilating and squealing for help. |
I was so in love with this picture at first. Look at my hair blowing in the wind! So Beyonce. And then I realized I had dirt in my teeth. Dream killer. |
Beautiful Shannon. She acquired a boyfriend and will no longer tolerate me flirting with her. |
Holy Catfish, greatest week ever. Staycation = Bomb dot com. Now I have to return to real life and buy groceries and do other things that are required of semi-independent adults.
Time for Easter holidayness!
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