My major is Therapeutic Recreation and in all of my classes we learn about a lot of varying disabilities that we will come in contact with out in the field. It is stressed heavily that everyone has worth, no matter what their disability may be. You are nonverbal and autistic? Not alone. Schizophrenic? Not alone. Have only one leg? Not alone. You get the gist.
Well I am just here to say that if you ever lock yourself into a bathroom stall and then can't get are not alone. This happens to people. I think it is actually a common thing, it's just that no one admits to it. In all honesty, this is a huge demographic challenge, comparable to not getting the statistics right on the number of homeless people or something.
Some ignorant individuals may wonder how one locks themselves into a bathroom at a ski resort. Lets just say that it is much more complicated than your pinhead of a brain can comprehend.
But back to the "you're not alone" thread. It is understandably a very traumatizing thing to be stuck anywhere, especially if its a dark, dirty, hot, bathroom, and all your ski gear is on. You are not alone in this fear. Do not be ashamed because you were a bag of mixed emotions consisting of panic, humor, and embarrassment.
My recommendation for what to do when you are stuck in a public restroom is to;
A. Try to get out.
B. If that doesn't work than try again, maybe you understand the locking mechanism incorrectly.
C. Text your sister for help. (She probably won't get the message because there is no service in the forsaken place you are confined to.)
D. Try the lock again. Maybe it fixed itself.
E. Take a selfie to document the moment.
F. Contemplate climbing
over the stall. Then don't do it because you might cause a commotion when people think you are a Peeping Tom.
G. Slide on your belly under the stall while horrified onlookers observe.
H. Wash your hands. Or don't, you are so dirty it probably doesn't matter anyways.
I. Walk out of the bathroom with swagger and confidence. Because after all, you are not alone in this.
Does this look like the face of a incompetent idiot? No. Because these types of things happen to everyone. |
So be at ease. The more this issue is spoken of, the less degrading the stigma will be. It is in everyones best interest to be educated on this problem that afflicts our worlds brightest and most intelligent individuals.
Happy Weekending.