Friday, October 9, 2015

We Rode More Bikes: Austria

After the hustle and bustle of Italy it was time to high-tail it to the mountains. We were reunited with our beloved bikes again. As I grow older (saying that makes me sound so wise), I realize more and more that riding a bike is the easiest way to feel pure bliss. When you have a bike you can get places! You can go fast and be in control! You can feel your lungs expand and fill your soul with joy! This is getting sappy so I'm going to move on.

But I do love bikes.


For anyone that knows anything about Geography, Rome is quite a ways from Austria. So we took the train up to the border. We mostly spent the day doing hood rat things like this;

Let's just say that we're known for our rowdy ways. Eating and sleeping baby, that will get the train conductors all in a tizzy. But on a more serious note, getting three bikes off of the train when the stops are only about 15 seconds long is a struggle. And when I say it's a struggle I mean that I got off first and left my friends to get repeatedly smashed by the closing doors as the alarm went off. To each their own dude, unless it's me that is in distress and then everybody better be saving me from the shutting doors.

Before I move on I would like to draw people's attention to a serious condition I will refer to as PTDBSD ( Post Traumatic Dirty Bathroom Stress Disorder). Riding the train system in Italy made me realize that I hate the whole human race. Urine covered all surfaces of the bathroom, including the ceiling. WHY? Aren't humans advanced enough to be better than common monkeys? ugh.

This image is that of a stick person but it's actually a perfect representation of Elise getting stuck while getting off. 
Oh Austria. The cheaper, less-perfect version of Switzerland. So under-praised. But gorgeous, holy moley. It was so relaxing to bike up and down the mountain passes and eat pastries and chocolates. I'm kind of at a loss as to what to say about it. It was nice! The people were nice! They also don't speak that much English but it was still a better situation than in Italy.

No more words! Pictures!

Ride over a mountain, buy some pastries, repeat. 

Innsbruck was too hip for it's own good. It was like the European Portland.  
The main attraction in Innsbruck. A roof made of solid gold. I think I'll just go ahead and put this on my Dream Home board on Pintrest.  
I liked Austria but I felt pretty loyal to Switzerland and it's perfection. This traitor right here found her dream home. At least they're close together so we can visit each other.  

Selfies of people taking pictures of people taking selfies. 

Wanderer! I had plans to Instagram this and say something like, " I was born to wander" and then I realized how pompous that sounded. You're welcome. #iwander
When Elise pretends she's Blake Lively chilling in Austria and I'm the paparazzi.  

We went and experienced the "local scene" and got the "traditional food" of Austria. They brought out a giant chicken strip and fries. I like this country. A lot. AND THE GIRL BEHIND US. Straight up horror movie status. 

Our theme song was "Uptown Funk" and we would randomly bust out some moves in strange places. The side of the road, the aisles of a train....  The Cougarettes can go ahead and recruit us now. 
We went mountain biking on rigid frame bikes. What a hoot. 
That look of determination...

Meet Babara. We biked to the top of this mountain and asked her for a drink of water. She ended up giving us slice upon slice of homemade birthday cake and told us the secret of Austrian pastries. (It's in the unpasteurized milk and eggs.) 

Made it to the top of the mountain! 

I like to call this picture; Elise Explaining That This Is Actually Not A Large Amount Of Chocolate To Buy, You Should Of Seen How Much I Bought On My Mission. 
Austria was honestly the best way to end the craziest trip. It was so relaxing and leisurely and helped us come to terms that our money had run out and it was time to go home. I am so grateful for the opportunity we had to go see so many breathtaking places. There were also countless individuals who took pity on two poor college students and gave us food to eat, beds to sleep in, rides to train stations, directions, and kindness in general. We can't repay or thank all of them but we promise to pay it forward someday!

Toodles Europe! 

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