If my life were a movie than this scene of my existence would start with a time lapse of a hot red sun rising over a beach with the Koran being sung in the background in Arabic. But since my life is not a high budget film, this trip opened up with me sitting by an Indian man who tried to talk to me the whole six blessed hours. Which would be great, if I understood accents.... Let's just say there was a lot of nervous laughter and generic replies of "yeahhhh" while I played Bejeweled constantly. *face palm*
No one seems to know where or what Abu Dhabi is unless you also refer to Dubai or the 6th Fast and Furious movie. My older sister Jessica lives there with her family, so I knew all about it long before Vin Diesel. (If you're reading this Vin, know that I'm a total fan and mean no disrespect. Fast and Furious is my guiltiest of pleasures. Te quiero, hombre.)
Getting out of customs was a total nightmare and apparently people from the Middle East do not understand personal bubbles at all. I repeat, at all. Pushing against me will not make this line go faster people! I think my lip was bloody and shredded by the time I got out from trying not to scream. It was all worth it when I got to the customs officer and realized how absolutely gorgeous Emiratis (people native to The United Arab Emirates) are. My goodness. Those sultry brown eyes, gandoora (traditional white robe), and perfectly trimmed beard basically bowled me over. They know how to make tall, good looking men in the Middle East.
A combination of my mission and Jessica living on the other side of the world meant that we hadn't seen each other in TWO WHOLE YEARS. Needless to say, our reunion was very tender. It was like coming home from my mission again, except this time I was a dirty, roaming, hippy instead of a clean cut missionary. Tears were shed, the hugs were long, and it truly was like a movie. I love my sister. Jessica embodies strength, charity, and goodness.

People ask what Abu Dhabi is like. Well, everything is new, flashy, and ornate. Rolls Royces and Lamborghinis are a common sight. People wear traditional clothing (abaya and kandoora) and there are Muslim mosques everywhere. The Call to Prayer goes off throughout the day. But the biggest characteristic of Abu Dhabi I can stress, is the heat. My goodness it's hellishly hot there. And before you accuse me of my choice of wording, I invite you to go there in the summer months and then you will know that no other words short of describing the burning pits of hell will be sufficient.
My time spent there was magical. I finally met my niece and nephew. Bear and Jesper are my everything and I love them like they're my own children. We hung out at the pool, went snorkeling, lounged at the beach, cruised around the cities, roller bladed, and went SUP surfing. All with two babies in tow. Life is just better with babies. (Hint to all the men in the Utah area: Wife me up.)
The moment I saw those little curls and serious face I fell head over heels in love. She is perfection incarnate. Jesper is my best friend. |
My first morning in Abu Dhabi was spent convincing this tiny to love me as much as I love her. With the help of a giant pink yoga ball, it worked. |
Jessica's first item on the agenda. Force me into shorts so that those legs could get some sun. Eek. |
She had just had a baby less than two weeks before! My sister is a babe. |
Since I never had an older brother to torture me incessantly, Dan has taken it upon himself to give me that experience. As an older brother he is insufferable but as a dad he is fantastic. |
I call this my nap couch. Hanging with babies gives you so many opportunities to snooze! But on another note, how do I sleep in positions like this? What is wrong with me? |
The beaches in Dubai are extremely crowded. Trying to SUP on the waves was challenging because of the throngs of people who always seem to be right where you're trying to go. And this is a picture of me photo bombing my nephew. Winning. |
Chilling with my main man, Bear Daniel. |
Souks! Old market places where they sell overpriced camel figurines. |
Just stop. |
This is the Old Emirates palace where the King of the UAE lived with his family. Now it's a hotel because they're building a new crib that is about 20 times as big as this one. |
The UAE. The only place I know of where you can get gold bricks out of an ATM. |
The Grand Mosque of Abu Dhabi. This place is incredible. It made me respect Islam so much to see their dedication to the God they love. |
Look at me, I'm cultured and stuff. |
Due to some Arabic fast food I was out for a day or so with a horrible fever. Just steer away from that stuff. |
This is when I caught Jesper Rae drinking out of the fountain at the splash pad. hehehehe |
Bear rocking his huayruro bracelet from Peru. They protect him from The Evil Eye. |
Jesper learned how to get her own water from the dispenser and now the floor will forever be covered in water. |
Jesper in the Dubai Souks. |
I was absolutely in love with these little boat taxis in Dubai. That is, until they filled with humans and it got unbearably hot and sweaty in there. |
Camel Milk Gelato. The thought makes me a little queasy. |
GOLD SOUKS. My lifelong dream is to own all of this gold. |
Just a causal gold overcoat for dates and things. |
Curried lamb and naan bread every day, please. |
Jesper's first time trying a lime. My heart is splitting in two. |
Snorkeling in the Indian Ocean. |
Another picture overload finished! This trip was so relaxing, it was absurd. A lot of food was eaten, babies were held, and fun was had. Now I know that I am most definitely one of "those aunts" who obsesses over her nieces and nephews, much to the annoyance of others. But really. If you managed to look through all of those pictures then you now know that they are perfect.
Thanks Jessica and Dan for being the best hosts! BESOS.
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