Wednesday, April 1, 2015

He Lives

*shivers up the spine* This video is perfect. 

Sometimes I imagine that I am a person who is not acquainted with the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. And I get it. I get why people think, "what is the big deal about a man who died 2000 years ago? who is this Jesus anyways that we should care about him and drop everything to follow him? why?"

I understand where people are coming from. From that perspective it seems absurd to dedicate a whole life to following someone who once lived in Jerusalem, spent his days as a pauper-teacher, and died by the hands of Romans on a cross.

But it's not absurd. It's not silly and ignorant because it's true. He Lives.

Jesus Christ wasn't just a normal man, He was the Son of God. He didn't just recite one-liners on love and peace, He taught the way to return to the God we came from. He didn't just die on a cross, He suffered for our sins and weaknesses and heartaches. And last of all, He wasn't gone forever after His death. He was resurrected.

Isn't that just a fable? A simple legend passed down through generations? How can someone really be made alive again and never die  anymore?

I can't answer how it works. I can't say that I have seen the Christ face to face. But one thing I know, that He lives and because of this, we too will live. What hope that gives me! The comfort I feel to know that there is ALWAYS a second chance, that unfairness and tragic losses are just  small moments in the eternal (yes, eternal) scheme. We will all be resurrected one day, meaning we will live again with perfect and immortal bodies. We will be able to see the ones we love again, death is just a gate we cross to get to something better.  In the words of a Book of Mormon prophet;

" But there is a resurrection, therefore the grave hath no victory, and the sting of death is swallowed up in Christ." (Mosiah 16:8)

As a child I would often wonder; "what if I die and there is just blackness forever and ever? what is the point of even loving and playing if none of it is permanent? will I ever get to meet my grandpa or is he long gone and doesn't exist anymore?" (deeeeeeep thoughts for a youngster, haha. My mom made me read too many books.)

My friends, black nothingness is NOT what awaits us on the other side. There is joy and light and peace and it is all thanks to our Savior Jesus Christ. I love Him with my whole soul. If it sounds implausible, then I invite you to search it out for yourself. Our loving Heavenly Father wants us to have questions because it leads us to the truth. That truth is that Jesus Christ lives. He lives.

Happy Easter.
Eat some Cadbury eggs for me.

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