Thursday, December 11, 2014

HE Is The Gift

Christmastime means picking a tree, decorating it, and watching it slowly die. It means presents and stockings and full refrigerators and braggy Christmas cards and ugly sweater parties and plates on plates of cookies. It means thinking, ''when will it ever snow?" and ''where did those new gloves go?" and "do I really have to pay that much for postage?"

Or so we sometimes begin to think. There are times when I am so focused in on if I forgot to buy enough things and I start to forget the why of it all. Why am I even worrying about which wrapping paper has cuter reindeer on it? Why am I fighting with Pandora, trying to make a radio station of PURE Micheal Buble songs and not tainted by wannabes?

Why do I celebrate Christmas?

I remember my last Christmas. I was living in the deep, wild jungle of Puerto Maldonado. It was hot. About 95 or 100 degrees. We had a 6 inch plastic tree with about 7 ornaments. We had bought one present each, about 2 dollars value, and we had seen our companion buy it already. We sang all the Christmas songs in the hymnbook, every single verse, with such joy and happiness. I remember I had a thin Santa hat on and trickles of sweat were running into my eyes. We read the story of Christs birth in the scriptures and prayed, thanking God for such a wonderful day to celebrate the birth of our Savior. That was it. We then went out and started to preach the gospel, and it was like a normal day. There were no lights or decorations or parties or self-indulgent pleasures. It was the most simple of days, but it was filled with a special awe and wonder.

Christmas in Puerto Maldonado with the most beautiful Lidu.
 Over 2000 years ago my Savior was born. And 2000 years just isn't enough time to thank Him for it. I will spend eternity after eternity at the kneels of my Redeemer and my Rock, with tears of gratitude on my cheeks, because He came to save me. He not only came to save me, but to save every one of us, whether we believe or follow Him or not.

He gave us everything. What will we give Him in return?

This Christmas I am giving Christ;
~ The gift of my time. Time to stop and talk to people. Time to make the effort to be friendly. Time to serve.
~ Reading the Book of Mormon in one month. Every verse in that book testifies that Jesus is truly the Christ.
~Going out to lessons with the Hermanas here in Hood River. Really trying to help those people feel my love and feel welcome at church.
~Throw out a little pride and take in a little more humility.
~ Trying to do my stupid family history. I WILL CONQUER AT THIS I DON'T CARE HOW LONG IT TAKES ME.
~Go to the temple every week.
~Invite others to learn more about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.

What will be your gift to the Christ Child this season?

Merrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyy CHRISTmas!

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