Talk about super. extremely. delayed. blog posts. I went to Peru this summer! It was one of those weeks where my dad was working, my mom had left me to go to Utah, and Jessica and the babies were in Kennewick. So I turned to my baby brother Bruce and asked him if he wanted to skip LAX practice and go to Peru for the week. Casual. (Important note: I can only do this because my Dad is an airline pilot, my bank account will prove that to you.)
I mainly wanted to go down and see my bestest and favoritest and most beautifulest Peruvian. JUANAIRIS TE QUIERO DEMASIADO. We were companions in Cusco for four and a half months and it was by far the most hilarious and magical time of my mission. We didn't have a single baptism during those cold months but I had never been happier. She taught me to be kind and sincere and did I mention how much we laughed? Life was golden.
That's why I had to go down south and see her. WHAT A WEEK. Now for a picture overload.
Laguna de ParĂ³n. This alpine lake is honestly the most gorgeous place I have ever been to. That is not even an exageration. That's the natural color of the water! |
We flew to Caraz from Lima and my heart swelled back to it's Peruvian size. It's like my whole soul expands to fit the entire country in a giant hug. That makes no sense but it's all I could imagine as we flew over the Andes. Fun Fact: When Bruce saw this plane he got a little nervous and asked, "are we flying in that thing?" |
This picture captures our celebrity moment. We were walking through the Yungay ruins and were stopped by these teenagers as they took about 200 pictures of us. You can tell by my mega-watt smile that I was soaking it up. As a middle schooler I always longed to be famous and this was my moment of glory! Another round of pictures for all! |
Did I mention that I am in love with this woman? |
Bruce was the best travel buddy. He couldn't speak a lick of Spanish and yet he had this smile plastered on his face the entire time. And did I mention that Peruvian ladies dig Bruce Man? |
This was at the ruins of Yungay. It was a village that was completely buried by a major landslide. All of the children had gone to a circus outside the town limits and were saved. Not much is left besides some crumpled buildings and this one-walled church. Does anyone notice my artistry of including a lone child in the photo? National Geographic are you looking at this? |
We spent an entire night dancing our hearts out in the living room to wayno, salsa, and cumbia. The whole family was dying of laughter from my dance moves. Somewhere in Peru there are a million videos of me dancing like a local. |
They say you can still hear the trapped souls of Yungay below the earth. I like to think that they're all safe with their Savior in heaven. |
We went to the Falls of Honkopampa with the young single adults. Why can't I be this popular in America? |
Bruce and Javier became the best of friends, despite the major language barrier. |
Javi wanted to take us to see "the sights" in Caraz. The only touristy thing they have in their town is a tiny little museum that boasts the TINIEST MUMMY IN THE WORLD. It's so small! How long is one supposed to look at it? I mean, it's the SMALLEST in the WORLD so it deserves some respect. Is 30 seconds enough? |
Caraz! I forgot how much I loved roaming the streets of Peruvian villages. I have a feeling I may find myself moving back to Peru eventually... |
JAVI! Mi amor! This boy is crazy. He speaks about as fast as a squirrel on speed and goes out of his way to trip on things that aren't even in his path. |
Is it just me or does my body look completely broken here? It's like when Harry gets attacked by the Ossio Dispersimus spell and loses all the bones in his body. That Peruvian lady behind me totally did it. |
We ended up going to Paron on the lake's independence day from money-sucking gringos! There was a big celebration with bands and cheap food and some men trying to take a raft around the lake against a killer headwind. The banks were covered in food and flowers as a gift to... the lake Gods? I missed the part where they actually said what this was all for.... |
Can some Gringo go down and marry this woman and bring her back here to be my next door neighbor? Please? |
I love Juana for many reasons. One of the big ones is that she slaughtered some of her own cuy to make me my favorite meal! Guinea Pig is delicious and don't bash it unless you've tasted it. |
His tiny little hand! Bruce had no idea what to eat. He repeatedly would whisper, "where's the meat on this thing?" |
Some of my favorite moments from the trip were walking the streets with Bruce and telling him about my mission and the Peruvian culture. We would stop to buy little treats like Beso de Mozas and Inka Cola at almost every corner. They're the type of moments where you want to bottle them up and save them forever and ever. |
Canyon del Pato. What a sketchy place. They're a series of long, one-way tunnels that wind through a canyon with 500 foot walls jutting up on either side of you. We begged Ivan to take us in his moto taxi and I wish you could hear our screams at the moment I took this grainy picture. A one way tunnel with no lights! Where were the city planners on that one? |
Adaluz took us to get shaved ice that comes directly from the glacier. I was all gung-ho until I saw this guy dish up my ice with his long black fingernails. Just part of the experience, I suppose. |
Let's just take a moment to appreciate that swim pools in Peru have ropes that go across every five feet because no one knows how to swim. |
Due to some poor planning on my part and some severe disorganization on the part of Peruvian airports we had to take a nine hour bus ride to Lima. It's not a true South American experience without the nasty buses and only having 2 soles to share a soda. |
Words really can't capture how grateful I am for the opportunity to be reunited with my best friend. Having international friends is hard but the reunions are so sweet. |
And JUANA! Dear, sweet, kind Juana. I think it's safe to say I stole her heart and she stole mine. She couldn't resist my charming gringa-turned-latina ways. And her cuy! It's to die for. |
We spent hours chugging along in this moto taxi screaming Enrique Iglesias songs at the top of our lungs. |
Te amo Peru! |
Hermana Llacsa came and picked us up at the bus station in Lima. Guys, I am so terrified of that city. It gives me ulcers just being in it for a couple of hours. Luckily we got to the airport safely (thanks Llacsa!) and devoured some pizza. |
Welcome to America. |
First time on first class baby! If I was rich I would never ride with those coach peasants again. |
Back in Oregon! |
If you made it to this point in the post then I applaud you. This may not be witty or entertaining but I also don't get paid to blog (probably because I don't post pictures of my outfits or have perfect babies) so I will not apologize. Long live Peru! Hopefully I will be hightailing it there again veerrrrryyyy soooon.
These look like a wonderful trip!