Sunday, February 15, 2015

Valentine's Love

Valentine's Day Conversation With A Man On The Lift With The Really Attractive Son

Man: Did your boyfriend wait for you while you were on your mission?
Me: Nope. No boyfriend. *sneaky side glance at the Really Attractive Son*
Dad: I waited for her!
Me: Him and skiing. They both waited for me.


Valentine's Day 2015. I'm in love with:
My family.
The Book of Mormon.
Anything Spanish.
Going to the temple.
Munching on my apple as I people watch on campus.
Riding my bike to work at 5 AM.
Jesus Christ and my Heavenly Father.
Deep and sweet prayer.
Insanity DVDs.
Being outside.
Leftovers for breakfast.
Dancing to Bachata alone in my room.
Not yearning for something I don't have.

Falling in love with life everyday. Whether he be cranky or joyful or spontaneous or a little blue...he sure is fun to love.

"Adam fell, that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy."
                                                                                          - 2 Nephi 2:25

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