Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Falling Out Of A Lifetime: My German Shepherd Boyfriend

Hermana Ostler’s Update – September 2, 2013

Yes my friends… I HAD a German Shepherd boyfriend. His name is Wishbone and my goodness, is he handsome! He is the guard dog at El Verge; the orphanage that we visit all the time. He is so friendly, always sitting on my lap, giving me kisses, kind of being the clingy, loving boyfriend I always wanted. Our mutual affection was something precious to me. And I thought he felt the same way... But there was a different future ahead of us than we both anticipated. 
Suspenseful, no? Let me just cut the flowery story short and get to the point… 
Freaking Wishbone BIT ME! Yep. I was bit by a German Shepherd. Hombres… (Men…) One moment they want to take you to the movies and wag their tail and what not, and then the next they don’t call, start dating someone else, or in my case: bite your arm. But before panic ensues, I do not have rabies. Just a couple scratches, and one giant bruise. We looked into it and all is well. Granted, my heart is shattered into a million pieces, but I am just looking forward with an eye of faith and hope. One day I will find the right dog for me. (R.I.P. Herc.)
This week I have just been counting my blessings. How blessed I am to live here! In Peru! With a companion that I seriously love with every fiber of my being! She is like my mother here. We go through a lot together, and are just here to lift one another up. Sometimes we are unable to work because of her poor health, but as a literal Representative of our Savior Jesus Christ, I know that I am doing good. I am bringing a little ray of sunshine into her moments of darkness and I do not doubt that God has a plan for me. That this is the situation He wants me to be in. 
Lately I have been noticing the obvious presence of people’s spirits. It’s amazing. Our spiritual makeup is something so very tangible -- all one has to do is look. Sometimes we see someone normal walking down the street, but their spirit will be repugnant and we will cross the street because they just don’t have our best interests in mind. Other times I meet people who have the most beautiful and shining spirits, who light up a room with their hope and with their smiles, even during their pain. 
Be happy. That is what I ask this day. Just make the decision to be happy, no matter what happens. Choose to laugh, to show affection to the people you love, to never be offended by what people say to you, to be willing to learn from others. Choose to have your whole being overflow with joy. 

Also, choose to send me some flippin’ Nutella or a letter or an email or a prayer!!! I love you all! 

Hermana Alex

This pooch is better than any German Shepherd named Wishbone!

Hercules: the dog Alex grew up with

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic post! You crack me up with how you shared this story. You rock girl!
