Sunday, June 16, 2013

It Be Spiritual Hogwarts Up In Hurrrrr

Dear All,

This post below is a letter written by Hermana Alexandra Ostler, owner of this blog, and current missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As her sister, I've been given the responsibility to keep everyone updated with some of her letters throughout the span of her 18 month mission. Thanks, and enjoy!

Jessica Ostler Robertson

June 13, 2013

Hey everyone! Serving a mission is awesome, I absolutely love it with all my heart. I ended up going to the Provo MTC because my visa didn't come through but I am so glad I did! I really needed to hear many of the things we have been taught here. We wake up at 6:30 (or earlier for service/exercise) and we study non-stop until 10:30 at night. It's exhausting but invigorating at the same time. Kind of like eating a whole pan of brownies in 5 minutes.

But anyways, here are some highlights from my stay here at the ‘Empty Sea’.

~Being one of the top students in my Spanish class. Surprised? Don't be. I basically just shout out random things like "Buenos Nachos" and "Usted esta muy despacio!". But we have taught four lessons in SPANISH to a lady named Maria. It has been a miracle but we understand each other and the Spirit is teaching everyone present.

~ Our classroom is up 10 flight of stairs so we run up in Every. Single. Time. Balla.

~Gym time is the best time. My new dream in life is to play FOUR SQUARE until the day I die. Is that so much to ask??! I have made it to the King Square once, which is pretty pathetic granted that I play it all the time. Yesterday I prepared for hours, stretching, getting limber, testing out shoes in the bathroom. I just need to have faith and maybe one day I will be able to be the King forever. All the people in the Gym will have to bow down to me. Also, Hermanas’ Beckstead, Hansen, Coffey and I have a running competition for cuatro cuadro. Whoever gets in the King Square the most has the honorable honor of having a pinata head on their bed. It's a big deal. 

~ Our teacher Hermano Bartolomei (who is my absolute favorite) taught us about how Christ descended below us all and felt every pain that has ever been known to mankind and yet he still lived a life full of love and happiness. We all have our own problems and it can feel sooooo hard sometimes but we need to go through the "refining fire" in order to become like Christ. If I have to be uncomfortable or sad sometimes in order to be like my Savior, than that is totally worth it. This was exactly what I needed to hear because there was this one day when I feeling so despondent. I was thinking, "Why am I here?? My life was so easy and fun back home. I want to cuddle with my Mom and Talk About with my Dad. I can't do this." My heart was softened. I am trying my best to be like Christ. Read about him in the New Testament! He would touch the lepers, the people who were cast out of cities because [everyone thought] they were so contagious. He wasn't afraid to get near the things that are sad in this life. He healed people physically and spiritually. I know that I have been healed by the great Physician.

~ Saturdays in the MTC = every other day at the MTC

~ I absolutely LOVE my companion, Hermana Hansen. She is so funny and she is totally trying to become a better person. We have a ton of fun together. HERMANA COFFEY is in my district. It was such a tender mercy to find out that my AWESOME POSSUM friend was going to be with me pretty much all the time. Her companion, Hermana Beckstead is hilarious. She is always singing Christmas songs whenever she sees cookies and she is the reigning Queen of cuatro cuadro. She needs to work on her humility though because she brags all the time about being the winner. Jokes! But I am super jealous of her skills.

~ I passed an Elder in the hallway and I thought he was a statue. I screamed when I realized he was a human.

~ I miss my family but only in good ways! I love them with every little fiber of my being. They are the best things in my life. I hope my mission will bless their lives. I pray for you all....EVERY MOMENT. I love you.

~ Toe cramps. They plague me.

~Too much fried goodness. Need to eat more like a Stegosaurus.

~ Ran like a T-Rex up and down the hallways with Hermana Coffey. We are a problem. I can't breathe around her because I laugh too hard.

Life is good! Read the scriptures! Pray to your Heavenly Father, he wants to hear from you. Love your family. Pet a dog for me. And send me some love in email/letter/package form.

Hermana Ostler
PER CUS Unit 254 JUL 16
2005 N 900 E
Provo UT 84604-1793

Love and no kisses,
Hermana Alex

If you know Alex, you know that this state of her bed is normal.

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