Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Video That You Won't Care About

Anyone else notice that I have been posting like mad lately? You're like, "Ummm yeah. You be clogging up my newsfeed furr dayzz with your nonsense blogging." So sorry. Just indulge me because I leave in one week and it's raining and I just got my first speeding ticket yesterday.

BUT. My Emma-Friend made this awesome video of nothing important. It's basically a manifestation of how loserish our friend group is. I love it more than Pop Rocks.

Other things I be lovin' recently.

Rip snorting (this is a Shane verb) around on the moto's with my papa. Good time had by all.

My last request before my mission? Cinnamon roll at Bette's. It was oh so necessary
Harvesting white strawberries. It's either that or the slugs get em so don't judge.

The crazed look in my eyes (if you can see it behind the glare of my glasses) is a result of going out for ice cream, It's a big deal people.

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