Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Hermana Ostler’s Update – November 25, 2013
I am a mother of a big haired, loud, singing in every moment, Ecuatorina. I present to the world: Hermana Luque! She has the biggest heart and is so so so so so amazing. She cries every time she talks about her puppy. WE ARE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER. She told me that everyone always says she is so strange for always singing, talking in weird voices, and just being really crazy. WELL, Hermana Luque, you have met your match! It has been so much fun. She lived in Spain for 13 years and so she talks with a lisp. Sometimes I just stare at her like, WHAT ARE YOU SAYING??? But I am getting used to it. She is also learning English from me and is always saying, “Thanks Heavenly Father for my puppy” in a very heavy Latin accent. It’s awesome.

I made a trip to the big city Cusco... and had a giant binge of English. There are so many gringo sisters there that I just love. We are going to be best friends when we get back. I love speaking in Spanish but there is something about talking in your own language. I left fat on english slang and a lot of worthless conversations about everything. I loved it.

Also. I still have my talent of having really precise memories about food. My sister Jessica emailed me to ask if I remembered what we ate after Dan’s dissertation. I was really, really worried and anxious because for a moment I COULD NOT REMEMBER! Yeah, but then after 5 seconds I could recall what I ate before, after, and during this event in time. Bring it! I challenge you to challenge me to remember what we ate after whatever moment we have had together. DO IT. Do it and be amazed.

And I realize that my English is awful. I will need to practice writing in English more.

Love you all!!


P.S. Still need to send those pictures......

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

And It's A Girl!

Hermana Ostler’s Update – November 18, 2013
Yes my friends. I am going to have my very own HIJA! I have been called to train after basically 6 weeks of experience. I would say that my Mission President is crazy, but knowing all about Priesthood authority and revelation...but still, a little crazy, no? Training is going to be a grand adventure. That poor missionary is coming into the mission with the craziest companion ever... But we are going to have a blast. Can anyone tell that I am nervous and have been frantically cleaning and planning on what to say and should I put a sign that says “Welcome to the World, Baby Girl” on the wall? ughhh. Butterflies.

Also, I had to say goodbye to my dear ginger-headed compy. How sad I was to see that crazy woman go! She is literally going to die back at her home in Alaska. The other day she went to Machu Picchu and when I went to pick her up at the bus station, I happened to see some giant stray dogs. The first thing she sees when she hops off the bus is her sweaty little companion, conversing with a pack of stray dogs in the middle of the bus station. “Typical Hermana Ostler.”

Are all my emails about stray dogs? Sorry about that. Someone was kind enough to remind me this week that I have been BITTEN by a dog here in Peru and maybe caution should be used occasionally? (Thanks Tammy!)

I am going to try to send pictures next week. But mercy please! I AM SO SHINY AND SWEATY IN EVERY PHOTO. It’s so unbelievably repulsive, but I will not apologize for the fact that my body is functioning in the manner prescribed by God. IT’S HOTS HERE, PLEASE DONT JUDGE ME.

Also....what else happened this week? Calling people to repentance. The Usual. But really, let’s all try and just be better? Let’s just realize that bad is bad and good is good and there is no grey area. This is coming from the girl who is notorious for blending the line. But that is not how it is. How lucky we are for commandments from God that help us be happy!

I am so grateful for all your love and support.


Jesper Rae wondering just how sweaty her aunt Alex will look in her forthcoming pictures.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Typical Day at Church in Peru

Hermana Ostler’s Update – November 11, 2013
Yesterday was church. Which means something different every Sunday, because there are always new shenanigans every time. Yesterday we killed GIANT ANTS. There were hundreds inside and we spent a good 25 minutes murdering them. They bite and also make a giant squishing sound as they get smooshed. Heh heh heh.

Also, I found a stray puppy walking to church and of course, stopped to play with it. Then, as the opening prayer was being said, I SAW THE PUPPY IN THE CHAPEL! He had followed me. I had to carry him outside as everyone stared, but not with too much surprise. It’s normal???

AND I SAW A MONKEY! It was a big deal. We were both screaming. Me, out of delight. And him, I think out of fear.

Sometimes I just get really down seeing all of the highly dysfunctional families. Sometimes I think I literally just hate MEN. At least here. They can be so so so horrible. But last night I had the privilege of meeting with a family who were going to be sealed in the Temple. This means they will be together throughout eternity. Nothing, not even death, will separate them. The way that this man expressed love for his wife, it was so beautiful.

There is always hope for a change in this world. And I promise, it is through this gospel.

Take care and love you all!

Hermana Alex

Alex contemplating marriage (oh no!).

Thursday, November 7, 2013

I Live With Ants, My Boyfriend Is A Fan, And I Am A Communist Spy

Hermana Ostler’s Update – November 4, 2013
THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF BILLIONS OF TRILLIONS OF ANTS IN MY HOUSE. It’s the grossest. On my desk, in my bed, on the floor, in my clothes, in my scriptures, in my hair, e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e. I take a shower and thousands of these horrible little creatures find their death in the drain. I open my Book of Mormon to preach the “good word” and to my shame, the ants escape to crawl all over everyone present. I think I probably eat them in my sleep too. It’s really unpleasant. The other day I found them in my beloved refrigerator. THAT’S IT!!! It’s now full out war -- I will have no mercy. I AM AN ANT KILLER.

My boyfriend is a fan. I am always kissing him and telling him how much I love him. My companion must think I am the weirdest human on this planet. But the refreshing air from that fan! Its love.

The other day an investigator told us that the people think we are “The eyes of the world.” They actually think that we just wander around all day with hidden cameras, filming their lives to show to the Russians… WHY WOULD ANYONE CARE THAT YOU SIT ON YOUR PORCH ALL DAY IN PUEBLO VIEJO? Anyways. That was really funny. But seriously Puerto, Watch yourselves, because I am not afraid to sell your information to those blasted Reds!

Also, the other day we were riding in a moto taxi when this GIANT black bug from the underworld flew onto the taxi driver. I began to hit his back with my water bottle screaming, “MATALO!” (KILL IT!) He was screaming and swerving about, but I finally murdered the creature. The poor guy thought he was getting attacked by a crazy gringa.

In Mosiah 18:8-9  It talks about comforting those that stand in need of comfort and mourning with those that mourn.

 “And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear ones another’s burdens, that they may be light; Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort,  and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life-“

This week we went to this member’s house after her husband had beaten her in a horrible manner. She couldn’t even eat because of the pain. How I cried with her. We must give our whole hearts to people and let them know that their pain is our pain. Feel for others. Don’t let your heart be hardened. I love you all.

Hermana Alex

Alex not touching the art at the Springville Art Museum