Hermana Ostler’s Update – July 29, 2013
Sorry about the title.
It’s a little graphic huh?
But yes, I dared Elder Rosado (a missionary
from Ecuador who loves dirt bikes and dares. We have become best friends,
obviously) to eat a slice of pizza in one bite. This was our second dinner of
the night (fattttttttiinesss) and so I was amped. Did it, no problem. Next day,
all is well. Exhibited my awesome dance moves, taught lessons, appetite uncontrollable,
as always.
TMI? Yes. But I was oh, so sick. My goodness -- apparently being in a different
country changes things? We couldn’t work for the longest time. My companion was
livid with me. And I was still pooping! Sometimes I would just stare into the
mirror and mutter, “What is wrong with you? Why can’t you flippin’ control your
bowels, woman???” So yeah, I also couldn’t eat anything for about 10 meals. BUT
BEFORE YOU WORRY, (I lost some weight and now look fantastic), I am on some
medicine. I have no idea what it is, and my polar bear appetite is back in
force. The medicine makes my mouth taste like a cuy (guinea pig) up and died on
I love Peru with all my heart! The dirty
children, the crazy motos everywhere, my Peruvian companion (her name is
MILAGROS. Which means MIRACLES. Good sign).
I live in a little one-room apartment right
next to “Discoteca Manhatten”. The patrons of the said establishment keep it
very classy by waking me up every hour of the night with drunken yells and
Adele remixes.
There are no stop signs in Peru. We walk in
the middle of the streets and when we hear a moto we jump onto a tiny one-foot
wide sidewalk, if there is one. Accommodating the fatties, you see.
The people here are so amazing! They are
always so well put together but they live in these crumbling shacks. Everyone
is always so happy, and they think it is hilarious when I accidentally start
speaking in English. They are fascinated with my “rizos de oro” or golden
curls, and the fact that I speak Spanish like a four year old. But I have made
friends! Frrriieeendss! Don’t know how, but I have. Language barriers, my butt!
I also sang about 5 solos last week for
members. For some reason they thought I sang so horribly because of nerves.
It’s because I can’t read music. So my dream of becoming Britney Spears?...
Still lives on.
We had our first
baptism this week. His name is Michael and he loves playing soccer with us
missionaries. What joy filled my heart when I saw his smiling face as he
came out of the water! He is a chosen Son of God.
Each of us are so
important to Him. We each have a divine nature; a spiritual hunger inside us
all, which will never be appeased unless we search for the truth. Search no
longer, my friends. The truth is here. I can promise you that much. It is here
and it will make your life so much more full, with so much more joy, and so
much more peace in times of loneliness and hardship. It is here.
Love, Hermana Alex
"the medicine makes my mouth taste like a cuy up and died on my tongue" (Picture of Alex before the mish on a duck sculpture at BYU campus.) |