Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day, America, And Iron Man 3

It rained and rained and rained today. It was the type of day where you just wanted to snuggle up in your bed and cry a little. Which I did! Happy Memorial Day to you too.

But all craziness aside, I am so thankful for the men and women who have given up their lives in order for me to feel peace at home. As an Air Force brat I have a special place in my heart for those who serve their country. As a child I was so terrified that my Dad wouldn't come back from one of his deployments and my heart breaks for those who's fears become a reality in that regard. My gratitude is monumental.

I have always been crazy patriotic in a closeted sort of fashion. When people gripe about the country's multitude of imperfections I have to clench my teeth together so I don't scream, "Come at me bro! Don't mess with AMERICA!" or something horrific like that. It's not that I'm ig-nant of all the things that need fixing here. But the older I get, the more thankful I am for living in the good ol' US to the A. I suspect this love will only get stronger as I live in a third world country for a year and a half. Peru is going to offer me so much and I know I will be so happy there. But America is my home and it always will be.

Thanks again to all the families and individuals who have lost a loved one while they were protecting this amazing land. Your loss is not forgotten.

Dirt bikes and American flags.

Also. Go see Iron Man 3. I literally silent screamed the whole time. Superhero movies are kind of my jam and Pepper Potts is my girl crush of the century. I held off seeing it for so long because I was worried that she died and there was NO way I was going to put myself through that much pain and heartache. SPOILER ALERT, She lives. Loved it.

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