Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A List of Thankful Fors

I just had a brilliant plan for when I'm married and have 15 children who are complete hellions. 

I'm going to tell them that Harv the Thanksgiving Turkey sneaks into the house through the skylight windows (because my house will be full of these) and sacrifices himself for our Thanksgiving feast. We'll then discuss the importance of sacrificing for the greater good, etc., and it will be a deep and meaningful learning experience. 

Please validate this. 


But honestly, I have always been tempted to overlook Thanksgiving in my excitement for Christmas and ski season and the end of the semester. It just seems a little superfluous to go all out for a fancy food orgy, ya get me? Thankfully, my mother has always been the perfect inspiration to me of what we really celebrate Thanksgiving for. I remember that during the month of November she would list all the things that she was grateful for. And I mean all of them. She'd list things from carpet and industrial sized matches to the gospel and long talks with her mom. 

So here's a little list of Thankful Fors (with occasional pictures). 

- The Gospel and Atonement of Jesus Christ. This tops them all because without these everything else would be empty and meaningless. This is the rock of my existence. 
 - Parents who show me that true love exists and can be lasting. 
If a blurry picture of Shane and Sandy playing on a teeter totter in their bike gear in Switzerland doesn't make you happy then you are soulless.
-How I feel when I get on any kind of bike. 
-Reading my Book of Mormon at night with the Christmas lights turned on. Fuzzy socks are optional. 
-  Not having life figured out because hello options! Possibilities! Endless dreams! 
-Cinnamon Toast Crunch. 
-The nostalgia I feel almost daily about my mission. 
-Avocados. And other food too. But mostly avocados. 
- Giving up on my decision to not read non-school books during the semester. Hello happiness. 
- Feeling loved by so many people, it's ridiculous. Including these beautiful people. 
-D.I. shopping sprees. 
-These babies. And their parents. We all know I love them so it doesn't need too much explanation. BUT JUST LOOK AT THEM THEY ARE PERFECT. 
 -Knowing that my dance moves are probably, most-likely, definitely good enough for a Justin Bieber/ Beyonce music video. 
- Anything small and cuddly and fuzzy. 
-My frenz. You know who you are because I am probably always begging you to drop everything and play. 
My go-to partner in crime.
- Hermana Shannon. But better yet, Hermana Shannon with an extremely tiny horse. 
-My Baby Brother Bruce.

It's now almost midnight and I had plans to write more but I think that this is sufficient. There is so much to be thankful for. 

"Now my brethren, we see that God is mindful of every people, whatsoever land they may be in; yea, he numbereth his people, and his bowels of mercy are over all the earth. Now this is my joy, and my GREAT THANKSGIVING; yea, and I will give thanks unto my God forever. Amen."
Alma 26:37

Happy eating and thank Harvey the Thanksgiving Turkey for me.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

My Paradise: Hood River Summer

Oh November. You make me miss summer. You're full of group projects, certifications that take up entire weekends, a farewell to mountain biking, and a overwhelming desire to eat everything in sight. Transition months are hard on me. They're that weird gray area where one sport is phasing out (mountain biking) while the next one is still not ready (come quicker, skiing). So instead of finishing my report on McDonalds I'm going to reminisce my magical summer in my magical hometown.

Before I begin, have I ever told you how much I love Hood River? I think I have herehere, and here. But in case you didn't know, Hood River is the most perfect place in the world. But don't move there, please! A major reason I love it so much is that is is small. I prefer that it stay that way. If it ever gets big enough to have a bonafide public transporation system I am going to scream. (For another time: Discuss   my deep fear of being stuck in a unwanted conversation on public transportation.)

So let me sum up my lacksadaisical and magical summer in one blog post.

The summer began with a job search. I had just spent weeks traveling the world and it was time to get some cash flow in. Above one can see the job options I came up with. I made the mistake of leaving this list on the table and when I came back MY FATHER had added "butt model" as a potential summer job. HMMPH. 
In the end I didn't end up getting a job because,  t r a v e l i n g.  And my sister was home from Abu Dhabi and we needed to tag team with the babies so everyone got in a mountain bike ride every day. Geesh, I sound like an entitled snob. Ignore me.

I want everyone to know that I am literally the worst person to tandem bike with. I am the Tandem Dictator, hear me roar. But honestly can I just say that at least I am safer to ride with than Grace flippin' Vuihkola? There was one moment when we were barreling down a hill and Grace was in front and TOOK BOTH HANDS OFF OF THE HANDLEBARS. I think I had to clean out my pants after that one.
I love my baby brother. Living at home is so fun because I get to terrorize him on a daily basis.

Some pictures of Oregon being green and perfect, just because it is green and perfect.

Every day. Every day.
Another reason why I love Hood River. All of the plants I get to take care of! I could honestly spend my whole day gardening. My dream is to have tons of babies and teach them how to love weeding and biking. Super ambitious, I know.

This is my dear, sweet, terrifying best friend from the 3rd grade. My goodness, this woman is crazy. Meet Grace, the dog-obsessed woman who likes to almost murder me on a tandem.
This was the summer of windsurfing. I don't want to brag, but I ended up going 34 times....I wanted to brag. Sorry.
When Dad leaves town and us women have to figure out the irrigation system. Pure chaos.
Kenzie and I literally cannot take pictures together anymore. Gilly for life. 
Seattle and Bainbridge Island 
My mom and I made a little jaunt up north sometime in the beginning of the summer (so vague because this was like, half a year ago). It involved Greek food, my dear cousin Hanna and her family, a crazy parrot, and my mom hitting a Porsche in the Suburban. hahahahahahhaha. It was a classic Sandy moment. We were pulling into my cousins street and my mom was so busy waving at Hanna that she didn't realize she was trying to park on top of the most adorable black luxury car. 
We forwent going to Pikes Market/Space Needle because how many times do I need to watch people throw fresh fish back and forth? I recommend going to Baindbridge Island by ferry. Take bikes! We went around the entire island expecting a leisurely ride. Prepare yourself to go uphill both ways. I'm not sure how it's possible but I don't think we ever went downhill. 

When in the Seattle area, go to Mora Iced Creamery. I got two flavors of chocolate and they have liquor in them? I didn't realize this until later but let me tell you, I HAVE NEVER HAD MORE DELICIOUS ICE CREAM. Is this why people drink?
You can't see Lila the parrot on Hanna's shoulder...but she is there. People and animals typically like me, it must be my endearing charm and quick wit? But Lila did not. I did my Velociraptor run impersonation and Lila went nuts. She flew towards me, talons outstretched, a warrior screech emanating from her beak. I have  never been so afraid for me life. Luckily my face is still intact. For future reference, Lila doesn't like Velociraptors.
My second cousins may be the most behaved and sweetest children I have ever met.
Babies made it to the U.S.A.
Jessica got me the most adorable Penny board for my birthday. I still have scars from trying to hang 10 on this baby.
Important side note: This summer I had a serious case of Baby Hunger. I would lug these creatures everywhere hoping the general public thought I was a hip, young mother. If you want to compliment me then tell me that they look like my offspring.

Jesper and I spent an absurd amount of time playing with chalk and bubbles on the driveway.
4th of July 
Kenzie and I decided to run the 7 mile run for the Indepedence Day parade. We poached it because who wants to pay 12 dollars for the wrestling team? It was like a mini class reunion and our cross country coach cheered us on and how does everyone in this town know us? Running through the parade was like walking the red carpet, we could hear people yelling "Go Kenzie! Go Alex!" at every direction. Small towns. You can't beat them. 
Then we went to some BBQs and rode the jet ski and watched the fireworks and it was fantastic. 

Just a casual picture of my daughter congratulating me after my race. Kenzie's the Fairy Godmother.
This picture kills me. We came inside and found Jesper changing her penguin's bottom. (For all potential visitors, Jesper calls the penguin an owl and my mother insists that everyone call it an owl as well. It's a penguin, Ma.)
Grandma Cozy came to visit! She is the sassiest and dearest woman.
Floras Lake, Oregon
It's not a true Oregonian summer without a trip to windsurf at the coast. Floras Lake will always have a special place in my heart. I met my first boyfriend there (hey Josh!), learned to windsurf, and basically lived out a Teenage Dream music video there. I can't quite explain why Floras is so magical, but it is. We had some sea kayaking wars in the reeds (my Dad and Jessica would hide on the banks and ambush us, screaming "RAMMING SPEED!" It was pure chaos. They had reeds in their hair and my dad rolled down a muddy bank into the river? hahahaha. It was so fun. 
Other things we did in Floras:
  • Windsurf several times a day. 
  • Tandem windsurfing! This is where there is one board and two sails and is a great way to make or break a friendship. I have never laughed so hard as when I did it with Kenzie and Reed was attacking us on his kiteboard... I can't stop smiling just thinking of it. 
  • A ridiculous amount of card games and Settlers. (I am not a card player. It's better to just not invite me, all I do is stare off into space.) 
  • Daily double scoops of Chocolate Brownie Thunder ice cream at Langlois Market. 
My punishment for being the worst at cards.

Live music on Thursdays at the Ruins. If you don't mind watching old people drunk dance it's a pretty fun place. But the real reason I put this picture up was THAT MAN'S PONY TAIL.
If I ever end up graduating and leaving Provo I'm going to miss these guys the most.
Jenna came to visit Kenzie so I was lucky enough to tag along. I love Jenna!
My happy place is to read books and eat strawberry after strawberry.
Before you jump to conclusions, I do not drink. This was at the premiere of Brendo's kiteboarding movie BiP2. Go see it. It's awesome. There were also fire dancers there. Gotta love Hood River. 
When all your church friends are latinos and they bring you about 15 cucumbers, just because.

My Hero.

Bike, Bike. Bike.
Temple dates with the mommy.

The only picture I have from our "Girls Night" in Portland. #priorities
Oneonta Gorge.
Rachel and her husband came and visited! I love playing tour guide so come see me whenever. And I'm being serious, I love proving to everyone that my town is the best in the world.
Jesper's way of asking to come inside. I swear she was dressed every morning but she always ended up running about naked by the end.
Jesper got a "balloon room" for her birthday. We all were overjoyed.

Herman the Sturgeon. Legend (according to Shane the Notorious Liar) has it that the original Herman was attacked by a Native American on his Spirit Quest. We think my father was lying about this but it is true that there are multiple Herman's and that every time one dies or is stolen they crown a new Herman.
My new pollera. The plan is to get a new one every time I go to Peru.

Fresh grape juice from the wine. A great way to get a raging sugar headache.

I call this series of pictures "Bear and His Many Moods).

We only managed to take the Hobie Tiger out ONE TIME this summer. That's kind of pathetic. We windsurfed way too much! Of course the only time we go out a pigeon chooses to land on an electric wire and set the whole town of Cascade Locks on fire. 
It looks like I'm smoking a joint but I swear it's just a date.
We finally completed our one goal for the summer: Road bike to Lost Lake.

The Ostler Clan all agreed that Summer 2015 was the best one we have ever had. And that's all I have to say about that.