Tuesday, January 27, 2015

My Not So Secret Vice

I have a pet sin. The kind that is just so good and yet so bad that it seems right out of a Taylor Swift song from her 1989 album. It's my not-so-secret vice because well.... it wouldn't be secret if I had a whole blog post dedicated to it.

Candy. Candy. Candy. But to be completely frank, anything with sugar is my downfall. Let's just say that you can't just have one of a brownie...or a cake....or a cookie...or a candy bar...or a bag of candy...or anything with sugar crystals....without have at least 8 more. My sisters would save their Halloween candy for months. MONTHS. They would take a small nibble here, a little nibble there...torturing my very inner being. My Halloween loot typically lasted a solid 2 hours. Sometimes it made it to lunch time the next day. Oh Halloween...such a sacred holiday.

Confession time! You know those disgustingly savage-like people who clean their cars and find a 10 year old york mint that's been crushed and is covered with lint and dog hair...AND THEN EAT IT??

I'm one of those. Go ahead and cast me on one of those TLC shows about people with freaky obsessions already.

The point of all this is to say that living behind a pharmacy that seems to have a perpetual deal of Sour Jack Watermelon's might be the very thing that kills me. Helllloooooooooo sugar hangover.

And in case you don't believe this obvious under-the-influence-of-sugar post. Here are a smattering of pictures from the mission and post-mission era.

My recent conquest. Generic brand of Sour Patch Watermelon candies! Boom. 

Sale! Sale! Sale! Everything must go! 

I think we get the point. I have problems. 

But! Before you buy some non-stick oil to squeeze me out of my candy wrapper cave onto a flat bed truck... I have been counteracting it all with some good ol' exercising. A loose term I assure you, but exercising nonetheless.

Swimming laps in the Koi pond of the BYU swim pool. And mostly pencil-jumping it off the high dive. 

Running to the top of the Y! And again, I'm sure it shouldn't actually be classified as a "run" but a "run-walk-crawl-gasp".
And the absurd amount of skiing at Snowbird, usually followed by a mega rice crispy treat with hot chocolate. 

Now I am going to work off this sugar headache with some Insanity. Peace, love, candy, and lots of tooth brushing.

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